Black tail Hunting

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Deer hunting in oregon for blacktail bucks involves a lot of work. Many hunters out on many miles to get a chance to fill their freezer with some meat. other hunters go out there for a big antler deer that will look good on their wall. I believe in both types of hunting. Sure many people just want the meat but the trophy rack that will last far longer than the food. The horns are also a great way to remember the creature that allowed you to continue living by eating. I have been hunting for the past 6 years and have taken 3 bucks all 3 point deer or smaller. Now i want a true trophy wall hanger i have 4 motion activated cameras that i have set up in various places in the woods. when the deer walk in front they instantly take a picture of the animal. With these cams i have been able to locate a few truly huge trophy blacktail deer. I love that i am able to take pictures and videos of these deers without having to kill them. The more and more videos i get i feel i don’t need to go hunt and kill the deer because i have many pictures of trophy on my wall. What I’m getting at here is it takes a lot of time and work to find the big bucks but if you plan and cover as many areas as possible you will find out where the big deer are at most of the time.

You can also get pictures of other things in the woods you never new was there. bobcats bears, ufos, marijuana growers, bigfoot, chupacabra etc.

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